The Great Ming Empire Slot Review

With its Ancient Chinese theme, The Great Ming Empire slot machine from PlayTech offers a beautiful, yet enjoyable, play experience.

The Great Ming Empire Slot Overview

How to Play The Great Ming Empire Slot Machine

The Great Ming Empire slot machine is one of the simplest slot machines produced by Playtech. It boasts 5 reels and 5 paylines. This means that, unlike other slot machines, you are not going to be overwhelmed by the massive number of ways in which you can net some cash. It really is ‘back to basics’ with this one. The minimum bet is 5p per spin with the maximum bet being £500 per spin.

The Great Ming Empire Slot is themed around Ancient China and, of course, uses the famous Ming Dynasty as its basis. That being said, this is not one of those games where the theme is going to have a major impact on the way in which you play the game. It is lovely to look at, but it really is just there and doesn’t do much. However, there are many people out there that love things like this, and we can’t really begrudge them!

Whilst there are a few features built into this game (and we are going to discuss them in a short while), the vast majority of your playtime will be focused on spinning those reels. That is it. This makes the game ideal for those that want something a bit simpler whilst still offering a high payout rate.

Bonus Rounds & In-Game Features

There are a few bonus rounds and in-game features which make this game stand head and shoulders above other ‘simple’ slot machines out there. This includes:

Pay Both Ways Feature: Pay lines to pay both ways. So, they pay left to right and then right to left.

Treasure Room Bonus Feature: this is the only feature in the game. If you get 3 or more scatters on the reels, consecutively, then the treasure room bonus feature will be triggered. Here, you will be asked to select three items. These are your cash prizes. Then a multiplier will be added to those cash prizes. This multiplier will be dependent on the number of scatters you got.

If you only had three scatters, then no multiplier is added. If you had 4, then everything is going to be tripled. If you are lucky and you get 5 scatters, that is a 10x multiplier for you to enjoy! Basically, if you trigger the Treasure Room Bonus Feature, there is a good chance that you will be in line for some seriously large amounts of cash.

The Great Ming Empire Mobile Slot Machine

As with many other Playtech slot machines out there, you will also be able to sink your teeth into The Great Ming Empire mobile slot machine. Since the game is incredibly simple, it works well too!

This is one of those games that you can pick up and play whilst on your downtime (not at work, your boss will not be happy with that…) and have a bit of a flutter. You don’t have to pay too much attention. It is just a case of hitting that spin button, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. It is these games which we feel work really well as a mobile slot game!

Summary – What Do We Think?

While The Great Ming Empire slot machine is an enjoyable machine to play, we really were a bit miffed by the lack of a free spins feature. Honestly, we have become so used to games having free spin features nowadays that we can’t help but feel a tinge of sadness when the machine doesn’t have one.

That being said, you really don’t need it when you play this game. It still pays out at a rather steady rate. You also do not have to worry about scoring that ‘free spins’ feature in order to net the big wins which is, of course, down to huge amounts of luck (we have played many games that have free spins features which never ‘pop’ for us)

All in all, the simplicity of this game makes it ideal for anybody who is new to slot machines. It is also easy enough to jump into for those more experienced players who just want something a bit more basic to play from time to time. It doesn’t break any new ground. However, let’s be honest, slot machines nowadays really do not have to!